Monday, August 03, 2009

To the Woman in Yellow

To the Woman in yellow,
Thank you
-for being an instrument of the restoration of democracy in the Philippines
-for being not only a President but also a mother to Filipinos
-for your simplicity
-for your humility
-for your integrity
-for showing us that faith should be lived
-for not being engrossed with power
-for being a Filipino

Dear Friends,

The best thing we can do to honor Cory is to emulate her qualities... let us start with ourselves...

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Mancao’s extradition: Regardless of motives and perceived political persecution, the real issue is Truth and Justice

As expected some people quickly alluded Cesar Mancao’s willingness to testify against Sen. Panfilo Lacson to a grand plan to discredit him. Politicians including Loren Legarda (who has dramatically plunged way down in her survey ratings as presidentiable) are quick to defend the beleaguered Lacson as soon as Mancao arrived from the US. We should not depart from the real issue- not political persecution but a quest for truth and justice for Dacer and Corbito who were summarily executed 9 years ago. Lacson has been in the defensive since Cesar Mancao gave his affidavit months ago. Granting that his allegation that Mancao was pressured into testifying against him is true- it does not, in anyway, diminish the truth in Mancao’s testimony. Apparently, it was Lacson who advised Mancao and Michael Ray Aquino to go to the US to avoid being implicated in the Dacer-Corbito double murder case in 2001. Too bad Teofilo Viña, another police officer who can shed light into the case, was killed in 2003. Another important character, Glenn Dumlao who turned state witness in 2001 also fled to the US. It will be a strong corroboration of Mancao’s testimony if it is true that he (Dumlao) is willing to testify anew after he is extradited. Those who are trying to muddle the issue by alluding to a plot to persecute Lacson are diverting the issue, thereby trampling upon the clamor for truth and justice by the Dacer and Corbito families. Justice for Dacer and Corbito!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ecclesiastical Processes and Offices that were erroneously depicted by Dan Brown in “Angels and Demons”

To those who have read the novel or watched the movie, I am offering the following observations about the things that were erroneously depicted in the novel/movie particularly in the scenes depicting the “Sede Vacante(1)” and “Conclave(2)”, to put things in the right perspective:

On the Manner of Burial of the Pope
In examining the body of the previous Pope, the Swiss Guards simply slid back the marble top of the tomb to check the tongue of the Pope; while as a matter of fact, Popes are laid in 3 coffins(3) , which would have made this task somewhat more difficult.

The novel (made into a movie) asserts several non-facts about the process of a Papal conclave. It suggests that only cardinals may be elected in a conclave and when they considered the camerlengo to be the next pope, one of the cardinals said that the only requirement is for one to have been ordained. This is not true, because technically, any baptized male Catholic who is not a heretic, or in schism, or notorious for simony can be elected pope. The last man who was not a bishop to be elected pope was Cardinal Mauro Alberto Cappellari, a Camaldolese monk and prefect of the former Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, who was elected in 1831 and took the name Gregory XVI. The last non-cardinal to be elected pope was in 1378 when the Archbishop of Bari became Pope Urban VI. During a period of intense rivalry between Roman noble families, at least three laymen were elected pope: Benedict VIII (1012-24); John XIX (1024-32); and Benedict IX (1032-44; 1045;047-48).

The novel further suggests that four candidates whom Langdon calls the “preferitti” are semi-formally chosen, including a head, to become the candidates for papacy, thus making the Conclave obsolete. This is again not true. Though there are “papabile” (papable) cardinals, they are not practical definites before the beginning of the conclave. Further, ballots are restricted to two in the morning and two in the afternoon and each group is burned together. Dan Brown indicates they are burned individually and indicates that more than two may occur in the afternoon. The Cardinals do not stay in the Sistine Chapel overnight. They go back to Domus Sanctae Marthae (the cardinals’ official residence in the Vatican during conclave) after two balloting in the morning and two balloting in the afternoon (in the case a pope hasn't been elected in those balloting).

The Camerlengo
Brown gives the role of “Camerlengo” to the late Pope's secretary. The Camerlengo does play an important role during the Sede Vacante and Conclave, but he is never the pope's secretary. In fact, the Camerlengo is a member of the College of Cardinals and is appointed by the pope. He serves as acting head of State of the Vatican City during the “Sede Vacante”. The late Pope's secretary has no authority over anyone in the Vatican, as he loses his job when the pope dies.

The Dean of College of Cardinals
Also, the novel states that the "Dean of the College of Cardinals" of the conclave cannot be elected; in fact, he can, and he actually was in the 2005 conclave (the then Cardinal Ratzinger was the Dean of the College of Cardinals). It should also be noted that the "Devil's Advocate" has nothing to do with the papal election (but with the process of beatification).

Although "Angels and Demons" is a fiction, I was compelled to write these observations because most readers/watchers tend to take what they read/watch as the truth. As a priest, I was bombarded with questions about it years ago, when the novel first came out.


(1)The expression sede vacante in this sense, refers to the vacancy of the Holy See, which occurs after the death or resignation of a pope. In a wider sense, it refers to the vacancy of the episcopal see of a particular church. It is Latin for "the seat being vacant, that is, the cathedra of the particular church. This means that for a diocese the diocesan bishop has either died, resigned, transferred to a different diocese, or lost his office and a replacement has not yet been named. If there is a coadjutor bishop for the church, then this period does not take place, as a coadjutor bishop immediately succeeds to the episcopal see.

(2)The convening of the College of Cardinals for the purpose of electing the pope, when the holy see is vacant.

(3) The innermost coffin is made of cypress to signify the pope'shumanity. Before burial, the cypress coffin is sealed in an 800-pound lead coffin. The outermost coffin is made of elm to symbolize the great dignity of the pope. Both the lead and elm coffins bear bronze plaques with the name of the pope and the significant dates of his life.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I find it ironic:

-that some celebrities are animal rights activists while being birth control and abortion advocates. For them animal’s rights are more important than human life.

-that some celebrities campaign for funds for homeless children while advocating for abortion.

-that people are calling for the US troops withdrawal from Iraq because of the escalating death toll but they would care less about the fact that 3000 lives are lost each day because of abortion.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

With Pope Benedict XVI for the Second Time

I attended this year's Papal Meeting with the Clergy of Rome which is held on Thursday after Ash Wednesday each year. I am elated to have been able to kiss the hands of Pope Benedict XVI for the second time in two years. This time, I asked the Pope to bless me and he gladly affixed the sign of the cross on my forehead. There were around 500 priests who attended the meeting at the Aula della Benedizione in the Apostolic Palace. Only those of us who were seated towards the aisle were able to kiss the Pope's hand (we were lucky to enter the hall earlier then the others). The Pope was in jovial mood during the meeting, he cracked jokes and addressed issues that were raised by Parish Priests. I will forever cherish my moments with him as I am on my last year in Rome.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No one can claim right over other’s life (even the unborn)

The recent directive of President Obama to restore funding by the US Government for clinics that perform abortion all over the world was welcomed by the pro-choice advocates but drew a flak from pro-life advocates and the Vatican. In a rally held by both parties in San Francisco last week, a Filipina pro-choice advocate said in an interview that she is happy with the directive because it upholds the human rights of women. She even asserted that although she is a Catholic, she believes that her Church should not meddle with the affairs of the state. People who use the same argument would cite the separation of Church and state enshrined in the constitution whenever the Church upholds morality. They missed the point. Abortion is a moral issue on which the Church claims competence.

The Church (not only the Catholic Church) believes that life begins at the moment of conception. It is her moral obligation to advocate this reality based on divine law. Women who say that abortion is a right are misguided or are simply ego-driven. While it is true that they have right over their bodies, it is an absolute truth that no one can ever claim a right over the life of others (even the unborn).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Walk the talk and be guided by GOD

I feel privileged to be in the United States on the day Barack Obama was elected as the first African-American president and on the day of his inauguration (both events will be cherished in history). I must admit that although I do not like Obama’s liberal ideology, I admire his eloquence in speech. This gave him greater advantage during the campaign period. However, speeches are only words. As he assumes the office as a President of the most powerful nation, Barack Obama should now begin to walk the talk. He must now take the first steps to fulfill his promises and perform the task of leading a nation that is currently in recession.

I was elated to hear the Rev. Rick Warren mentioning GOD and JESUS in his opening prayer during the inaugural ceremonies this morning. A commentator in one of the cable news networks was pessimistic on whether GOD or JESUS will be mentioned because the United States is a pluralistic country not only because of diversity in race but also because of diversity in religion (there is a deliberate move by the extreme left to remove GOD and JESUS in the picture). President Obama should not fall into the prodding of Godless individuals who even look forward towards removing the word GOD in the dollar bills. When GOD is removed in our lives, it will not be a change but a transgression. Obama’s battle cry was change, and change has indeed happened through his election. However, change itself can become a hindrance if it were made merely to discredit an opponent and not for altruistic purpose. Real Change can only be achieved if it is directed by GOD through JESUS. That kind of change will surely make a difference.