Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lesson from the Magi

Today, the Feast of Epiphany (more popularly known back home as the Feast of the Three Kings or Magi) is celebrated in Rome. When I was a kid, I always looked forward for this Feast every year as it was a chance for my ninongs and ninangs to make their “pahabol” gifts which they may have “forgotten" or failed to give during Christmas and New Year.

As years have passed, I have given different homilies on this Feast. My favorite homily is putting emphasis on the meaning of Epiphany as self manifestation of the Lord. The Lord Manifests himself to us and we must respond. There is no better response than that shown by the Magi. The Gospel of St. Mark tells us that “they departed to their own country by another way” after meeting the Lord. This is the best response to our Lord’s manifestation to us. We meet him in the sacraments, we meet him in the scriptures, we meet him through other people. We must change our ways after meeting him. Every instance of the Lord’s manifestation upon us should result into change in our lives by going into another way- the better way.