Friday, July 27, 2007

And they finally met…

Monsignor Francisco U. Uanan (on the Right) and Fr. Reynaldo Adalid, OP (on the Left) are two priests I hold with high esteem. The former is my Uncle while the latter is my Spiritual Director in Rome. They were classmates at the UST Faculty of Sacred Theology when they were seminarians. My uncle stayed at the UST Central Seminary while Fr. Rey, a Dominican Priest, stayed at the Sto. Domingo Convent. My Uncle is visiting from the Philippines and Fr. Rey Adalid, OP is currently assigned as a summer parochial vicar at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Staten Island, NY. It is providential that my uncle was able to visit me in my summer parish here in Jersey City, NJ- about 15 minutes drive to Fr. Rey’s summer parish. They finally met last Tuesday (July 24th). Prior to this meeting, they only saw each other on pictures and they were very eager to see each other after 43 years!

The meeting was dramatic. They were very happy and exuberant in seeing each other. They hugged and they laughed so loud. They reminisced their good old days in UST, remembering the old Spanish Friars and their other classmates. They told me that it was harder during their time in UST than during my time because their lessons were taught in Latin and that they had to speak Spanish when they talk to their Spanish Friar Professors.

I have learned a lot from both of them. They are my idols. They have so many things in common. I will cherish the wisdom they have inculcated in my mind as well as the good example they have shown.