Thursday, April 03, 2008

My Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

(Where Our Lord Jesus Christ was Born)

(The site of the Crucifixion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ)

(The spot where Christ our Lord was laid when he was brought down from the Cross)

(The Lord's Tomb- where He was buried and where He rose again)

I have visited shrines of apparitions of Our Mother Mary and saw birthplaces, uncorrupted bodies and tombs of Saints as well as Churches of great significance in different countries but something made me crave for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. At the back of my mind, all of my other pilgrimages would not be complete if I will not be able to see where Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, where He embarked on his ministry and made miracles and where he suffered, died and resurrected. I first planned to go to Holy Land in 2006, when a group of student priests went on a pilgrimage there. Unfortunately, I could not go out of Italy at that time because my permit to stay was not yet renewed. On December of the same year, I wanted to go and spend Christmas in Betlehem but I was discouraged by my friends because of Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah at that time. After two failed tries, my dream was realized as I joined the other Ilocano Priests studying in Rome on a pilgrimage. It was a perfect time for a pilgrimage- a Holy Week in the Holy Land is an experience of a lifetime. However, as the day of our departure fast approached, we were filled with anxiety upon hearing from those who have been there about how hard it is to come in and out of Israel (the removal of things from check in baggages for inspection and the interrogation by at least three immigration officers etc.). We were also afraid because of the recent killing of 9 Jewish seminarians by their Arab driver a week before our flight. Archbishop Yllana, the Apostolic Nuncio to Pakistan who happened to be in our residence days before our flight told us that if we keep on allowing fear to engulf ourselves, we will never be able to visit the Holy Land. Here is the rest of our itinerary:

Day 1 (March 15): Arrival, Visit to Notre Dame Chapel (Click here)

Day 2 (March 16) Palm Sunday in Jerusalem: We concelebrated with the Most Rev. Antonio Franco, DD former Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines and current Apostolic Nuncio to Israel for the 9 am Palm Sunday Mass at the Notre Dame Chapel in Jerusalem. We joined the Palm Sunday procession from Bethpage near Mount of Olives to Jerusalem (following the original route of our Lord). Along the way, we met the healing priest Fr. Fernando Suarez who invited us to join his pilgrim group and stay in their hotel free of charge. We already experienced the grace of God in our second day in the Holy Land. (Click here)

Day 3 (March 17)- Caesarea, Haifa, Nazareth, Cana: We visited the ancient port of Caesarea and the Church of Stella Maris in Haifa. We concelebrated mass with Fr. Suarez at the Church of Annunciation (the site where the Angel Gabriel told Mary about God’s plan) in Nazareth. Pilgrims who are celebrating their wedding anniversary renewed their vows at the Church of Cana where Jesus turned water into wine during a wedding feast. (Click here )

Day 4 (March 18)- Sea of Galilee, Mt. Beatitudes, Caphernaum, Tabgha and Jordan River: We crossed the Sea of Galilee (where Jesus walked on the water) on a boat captained by a Messianic Jew (Jewish Christian). We concelebrated mass in Mt. Beatitudes (where the Lord preached theBeatitudes). We visited the town of Jesus in Caphernaum and saw the ruins of Peter’s house. We also visited the Tabgha church where the multiplication of loaves took place. Lastly, we visited the Jordan River (where Christ was baptized). Click here

Day 5 (March 19)- Mt. Tabor, Jaffa: We attended mass in the Transfiguration Church in Mt. Tabor (place of Transfiguration). We also visited St. Peter’s Church in Jaffa. (Click here )

Day 6 (March 20)- Abu Gosh: We went to a Retreat House in Abu Gosh (between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem). We concelebrated the Mass of the Last Supper and we gave a retreat to the El Shaddai members from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. (Click here)

Day 7 (March 21)- Good Friday in Jerusalem: After giving talks on the seven last word, we went back to Jerusalem and did the Via Crucis. Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, we paid homage to the place where Christ was crucified, the stone where he was laid after he was taken from the cross, and the tomb where he was laid to rest and where He resurrected on the third day. (Click here )

Day 8 (March 22) Jericho, Dead Sea, Easter Vigil in Jerusalem: We visited the spot where the house of Zaccheus once stood as well as the sycamore tree purported to be the tree Zaccheus climbed to see Lord. We also went to the Mount of Temptation where Christ was tempted by the devil and where the the Qarantal Monastery is located. After lunch, we proceeded to the Dead See. In the evening we concelebrated the Easter Vigil Mass. (Click here )

Day 9 (March 23) Chapel of the Ascension, Church of Gethsemani, Wailing Wall: We visited and prayed at the small chapel where Christ Ascended into Heaven and the Church of Gethsemani where Christ spent his agony before he was arrested. The olive trees (thousands years old) are still there. We joined our Jewish brethren in praying at the “wailing wall” late in the afternoon. (Click here)

Day 10 (March 24) Ein Kerem, Bethany, Pater Noster and Betlehem: We were fortunate to have Sr. Aurora, SPC as our guide to the Arab Controlled parts of the Holy Land. We first visited and prayed at the Visitation Church (where the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth took place) and the Church of St. John (where John the Baptist was born) in Ein Kerem. We proceeded to Bethany where we visited the tomb of Lazarus and the Church of Martha and Mary (where their house used to stand). We also visited the Pater Noster Church in Mt. of Olives (where the Lord taught his disciples the Pater Noster). We sang the Our Father in Tagalog and Ilocano. In the afternoon, we went to Betlehem where we visited the Milk Chapel (where Mary nursed baby Jesus before they fled to Egypt), the Basilica of the Nativity (where Christ our Lord was born), and the Shepherds’ Field (where the angel appeared to the Shepherds).Click here

Day 11 (March 25) St. Peter’s Church in Galicantu, The Last Supper Room (Cenaculum), The Church of Dormision: On our Last Day, we visited the Church of Galicantu (where Peter felt remorse on his denial of the Lord upon hearing the cock crow), the Last Supper Room (where the Lord instituted the Eucharist), and the Dormision Church (where Mary went into her eternal sleep). Click here

I wish that every priest will be able to visit the Holy Land. Visiting the place where it all happened helps a lot in understanding the context of the Gospels.