Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No one can claim right over other’s life (even the unborn)

The recent directive of President Obama to restore funding by the US Government for clinics that perform abortion all over the world was welcomed by the pro-choice advocates but drew a flak from pro-life advocates and the Vatican. In a rally held by both parties in San Francisco last week, a Filipina pro-choice advocate said in an interview that she is happy with the directive because it upholds the human rights of women. She even asserted that although she is a Catholic, she believes that her Church should not meddle with the affairs of the state. People who use the same argument would cite the separation of Church and state enshrined in the constitution whenever the Church upholds morality. They missed the point. Abortion is a moral issue on which the Church claims competence.

The Church (not only the Catholic Church) believes that life begins at the moment of conception. It is her moral obligation to advocate this reality based on divine law. Women who say that abortion is a right are misguided or are simply ego-driven. While it is true that they have right over their bodies, it is an absolute truth that no one can ever claim a right over the life of others (even the unborn).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Walk the talk and be guided by GOD

I feel privileged to be in the United States on the day Barack Obama was elected as the first African-American president and on the day of his inauguration (both events will be cherished in history). I must admit that although I do not like Obama’s liberal ideology, I admire his eloquence in speech. This gave him greater advantage during the campaign period. However, speeches are only words. As he assumes the office as a President of the most powerful nation, Barack Obama should now begin to walk the talk. He must now take the first steps to fulfill his promises and perform the task of leading a nation that is currently in recession.

I was elated to hear the Rev. Rick Warren mentioning GOD and JESUS in his opening prayer during the inaugural ceremonies this morning. A commentator in one of the cable news networks was pessimistic on whether GOD or JESUS will be mentioned because the United States is a pluralistic country not only because of diversity in race but also because of diversity in religion (there is a deliberate move by the extreme left to remove GOD and JESUS in the picture). President Obama should not fall into the prodding of Godless individuals who even look forward towards removing the word GOD in the dollar bills. When GOD is removed in our lives, it will not be a change but a transgression. Obama’s battle cry was change, and change has indeed happened through his election. However, change itself can become a hindrance if it were made merely to discredit an opponent and not for altruistic purpose. Real Change can only be achieved if it is directed by GOD through JESUS. That kind of change will surely make a difference.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Drug Menace

The controversy that stemmed from the resolution by DOJ prosecutors for the dismissal of the case against the so called “Alabang Boys“ opened a can of worms. DOJ secretary Gonzalez and the other officials involved are making a fool of us Filipinos by playing naïve about the gravity of the matter. For, how can one explain why the lawyer of the accused was the one who penned the release order for his clients? All Gonzalez could say was that it was unethical on the part of the lawyer. This made me believe that such thing was an ordinary occurrence in the DOJ (lawyers of the accused writing the decision or order release). It is a blatant usurpation of authority to use the letterhead of the DOJ, but he (Gonzalez) seemed to have tolerated it by not investigating the matter immediately. If it were not for the PDEA officials standing their ground, these things would not have been exposed.

At the congressional hearing yesterday, Gonzalez vented his ire on Major Marcelino (who has become an epitome of integrity in public service) instead of reprimanding the lawyer who used his letterhead. As Congressman Cuenco said, “ He should have reprimanded him, scolded him, raised hell and castigated him. I don’t know why he did not do that.” The DOJ has become DOI ( Department of Injustice) under Gonzalez. He, along with the other DOJ officials involved should resign!

The present congressional hearing on the matter should result into new legislations on drug enforcement- there should be a special court for drug cases. On the other hand, the PDEA personnel should take seminars on standard operations procedure in conducting arrests and buy-bust operations so that cases will not be dismissed merely on grounds of technicality.