Thursday, June 04, 2009

Mancao’s extradition: Regardless of motives and perceived political persecution, the real issue is Truth and Justice

As expected some people quickly alluded Cesar Mancao’s willingness to testify against Sen. Panfilo Lacson to a grand plan to discredit him. Politicians including Loren Legarda (who has dramatically plunged way down in her survey ratings as presidentiable) are quick to defend the beleaguered Lacson as soon as Mancao arrived from the US. We should not depart from the real issue- not political persecution but a quest for truth and justice for Dacer and Corbito who were summarily executed 9 years ago. Lacson has been in the defensive since Cesar Mancao gave his affidavit months ago. Granting that his allegation that Mancao was pressured into testifying against him is true- it does not, in anyway, diminish the truth in Mancao’s testimony. Apparently, it was Lacson who advised Mancao and Michael Ray Aquino to go to the US to avoid being implicated in the Dacer-Corbito double murder case in 2001. Too bad Teofilo Viña, another police officer who can shed light into the case, was killed in 2003. Another important character, Glenn Dumlao who turned state witness in 2001 also fled to the US. It will be a strong corroboration of Mancao’s testimony if it is true that he (Dumlao) is willing to testify anew after he is extradited. Those who are trying to muddle the issue by alluding to a plot to persecute Lacson are diverting the issue, thereby trampling upon the clamor for truth and justice by the Dacer and Corbito families. Justice for Dacer and Corbito!!!