To celebrate one�s day of birth is to celebrate life itself. It is a great event. It is a momentous occasion. It is a time of joy and thanksgiving. However, there is a need to look back at those years that have passed to be able to traverse the road of the future. I was born 36 years ago yesterday.
Looking back at those years, I experienced failures and successes, defeats and victories, triumphs and pains, happiness and sadness. There were moments of motivation and there were moments of humiliation. There were challenges solved but there were more left unsolved. Amidst these contrasting experiences I can only thank the Lord for the gift of life. These contrasting experiences have sculptured my personhood. There constantly emerged a new person each year.
I do not claim perfection for it belongs to the one from whom I received the gift of life. Neither do I claim fulfillment for it remains to be seen. But one thing I can be proud of is that I constantly try to live my life to its fullest. Endowed with the gift of vocation, my being was given a new dimension- my life became a life I can no longer claim to the confines of the self. There emerged a conviction for the service of others.
To my brother priests at the PCF, thanks for the greetings and for gracing the "canto" party last night. To my friends and relatives, thanks for the presents and greetings too.
26 May 2006
Belated happy birthday to a dear friend. Continue SERVING THE PEOPLE.
it's an honor, doc, to be a part of those important moments.
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