Thursday, March 05, 2009

With Pope Benedict XVI for the Second Time

I attended this year's Papal Meeting with the Clergy of Rome which is held on Thursday after Ash Wednesday each year. I am elated to have been able to kiss the hands of Pope Benedict XVI for the second time in two years. This time, I asked the Pope to bless me and he gladly affixed the sign of the cross on my forehead. There were around 500 priests who attended the meeting at the Aula della Benedizione in the Apostolic Palace. Only those of us who were seated towards the aisle were able to kiss the Pope's hand (we were lucky to enter the hall earlier then the others). The Pope was in jovial mood during the meeting, he cracked jokes and addressed issues that were raised by Parish Priests. I will forever cherish my moments with him as I am on my last year in Rome.


RP said...

wow greg. may the blessing you got from the holy father comes down to us also, your brother priests. Was that the Holy Thursday mass with Him? from rj

GCU said...

Hi RJ... it was on the Thursday after Ash Wednesday customary meeting of the Priests of Rome with the Pope. Take note of that... you can attend next year...