Monday, March 05, 2007

GO, Team Unity, ASO and Joker

Election fever has started in the Philippines. As usual it is a showcase of politics of personalities rather than issues.

GO- This acronym stands for Genuine Opposition. They are composed of Estrada Loyalists and some former Anti-Estrada politicians who become opportunists leaning on Estrada’s perceived popularity among the "masa". They think that they are like the great opposition senators of old as they chose to be proclaimed at the Plaza Miranda and they will only debate with the administration candidates if it will be in Plaza Miranda. But, with the way they jockeyed for position in a photo op with Estrada, they have shown that they are all opportunists, not worthy of being compared to the great senators: Salonga, Manglapus and Aquino, etc. of old.

Team Unity- I still wonder what unity does this team connote aside from letting three former Estrada allies to run in its fold?

ASO- This acronym stands for Angara, Sotto and Oreta, all former allies of Estrada. A jingle depicting them as ASO (dogs) has been airing in the airwaves for weeks now. It is a sad sign of the kind of campaign which politicians employ until now- mud-slinging and character assassination. I just hope that if ever these senators alluded to as ASO will win, they will not resort to vengeance but really become ASO- Astute, Servant-Leaders, and Outstanding lawmakers.

Joker Arroyo- I was delighted in hearing his pod cast interview at the He is the personification of wisdom in politics. He is cerebral yet not proud; he goes bluntly to the point yet not arrogant. He is one of the vanishing species in Philippine politics.


Anonymous said...

G.A.G.O Vs. T.U.T.A - Who will you vote for???

G.A.G.O (Grand Alliance of Genuine Opposition)

GMA's T.U.T.A (Team Unity, Team Administration

and watch out for the 2nd single entitled POSA (Pangilinan, Oreta,Sotto,Angara)

Anonymous said...

S.T.O.P. -Sayang Time Opposition Pumapalkpak!