You liken yourself to a broken glass
It points out to your poignant and painful past
But, being broken should never be an obstacle
in living life on its normal cycle
Brokenness brings forth something that is good
It is one of the realities destined by God
Like a broken seed that grows into something new
A person needs to be broken in order to grow too
Your concern lies in gathering back the pieces
You should take the cue from your experiences
Look back and cure your past
Let them go so that they won’t last
Gathering the pieces of a broken glass
Can sometimes unravel what has come to pass
But if that is the only way to find a cure
It can very well lead to your again-being-whole
Should you not be able to gather all the pieces,
It should not make you slumber into sadness
Gathering the best pieces makes someone better
It surely makes you into a person much stronger
Diamonds emerge by carving out the precious from dirt
And so are you- a new you should come to birth
Tomorrow will be brighter as you trek a new path
The challenges should never bring you into slack
What a meaningful poem! I did not know you are a poet :)
Very touching father...
This was really good. It spoke to me. I to have been broken and found God in the process in the past year and a half with a back injury. Great poem. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
God Bless,
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