Friday, February 08, 2008

This might be it…

The damaging testimony of Rodolfo Noel Lozada, Jr. on the ZTE mess that has tainted the already besmirched regime of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo might just ignite the swelling of stronger clamour for her to resign. Although the testimony of Lozada did not, in anyway, directly implicate GMA on the ZTE scam, logic makes it obvious that she is involved through her husband. Malacanang’s lieutenants were quick to say that Lozada’s testimony did not incriminate the First Gentleman, but again, logic would tell us that Abalos’ involvement in this hullabaloo could not be without the blessings of the powers that be. On the other hand, the senators should go beyond grandstanding (some senators appear to be investigating in aid, not of legislation but of their 2010 ulterior motives). Sad to say, nothing has ever happened in senate investigations of anomalies like this except that it has effectively ensured the said senators’ selfish agenda. Cases should be filed in courts and laws should be legislated to compel transparency in similar transactions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


your analysis is simply sharp! Natadem. The [progressive] church's role is also inspiring. i hope the princes of the church (like arch diosdado talamayan) will be convinced to stop badgering malacanang for funds ()to serve parishioner's interests kuno) as these principes only deodorize the decadent and moribund arroyo regime. the best that the nakakahiyang bishops should do is to pray for gma's soul. kinuha na ni lucifer.

i will save you from embarrassment, reverend. i will sign as anonymous. i have been following your blogs religiously.

you are great. sana dumami ang katulad mo sa simbahan.