My father used to tell me as a kid that truth can never be hidden because those who hide it know about it. It must have been providential that I chose the Gospel passage “I consecrate myself for their sakes now that they may be consecrated in truth (Jn. 17:19)” as the theme for my ordination to the priesthood. These words have seemingly permeated my innermost being because in the performance of my ministry, I made it a sort of conviction to involve myself on issues that call for transparency, honesty and accountability- the pillars of truth. In such undertaking, I have noticed that it is not an easy task to unravel the truth. There are instances when the truth is concealed in order to hide one’s wrongdoing. There are instances when even the obvious cannot be perceived by people who are unwilling to be bearers of truth. There are instances when the truth is hindered by people who play blind so as not to tarnish other’s reputation. And worst, there are times when people get killed for being mouthpiece of the truth. In the midst of such attempts to obscure the truth, I have noticed that the truth has its own way of manifesting itself. An example in recent memory is when the erstwhile champion of truth and transparency in public service Senator Joker Arroyo tried to point out bad faith on Jun Lozada’s part because he talked to other senators prior to his coming out in the open on his knowledge about the anomalies on the ZTE deal. Lozada proved him wrong by admitting that he talked even to his wife.
In the pursuit for truth, one should have patience and faith. No amount of threat, alibis, attempts to cover up and legal eloquence can conceal the truth. My recent endeavour in pursuit for truth has proven this all the more- with prayerful disposition, proof for truth comes out even as there are efforts to hinder it. No matter how uncertain the odds are, when the truth comes out it will shed light to what is obscure, both rendered and per se.
Through God’s grace, truth manifests itself and it should never be compromised by those who grasp it.
The truth liberates us....
Commendable that after so much disappointments in the way things are run in our beloved 'Pinas, you are still out there, P. Grevy, seeking and speaking out the truth. It is not always convenient, as you have so clearly pointed out.
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