Monday, February 04, 2008

Of Political Vendetta and Sour Graping

The recent event at the Philippine House of Representatives showcased dirty Philippine politics at its best. Speaker De Venecia was ousted as a consequence of his son’s expose on the ZTE broadband deal. Though the Arroyos in Congress deny it , the machination is pure and blatant political vendetta. Pushed against the wall, the trapo in De Venecia suddenly tried to mutate into a crusader against graft and corruption stressing on his moral revolution vision, implying that Arroyo is corrupt and that he knew about the cheating in the 2004 presidential election. He griped about having helped President Arroyo in her political career and bragged that he stood by her amidst all the anomalies that besmirched her Presidencyl. He re acted like a sour graping child. His wife was also shown on tv saying that she knows also about the cheating in 2004. The thing is, why are they only speaking now when those issues have died down? Such actuation would confirm that pure intention is rarity and ulterior motive abound ln Philippine politics.

The only good thing that I see in this event is that it paved the way for a new leadership. I hope that the new leader will be better than De Venecia. On the other hand, let us keep our fingers crossed that De Venecia and his wife are really serious in exposing everything they know and substantiate their accusations so as to spark a real strong clamour for the ouster of President Arroyo.


Anonymous said...

Knowing De Venecia who's politics is a politics of areglo, he wants Malacanang to make areglo with him to the tune of millions ;-)

Anonymous said...

Mabaho rin kase yan si De Venecia, I doubt kung marami yan substantiated na sasabihin enough to result into the downfall of GMA...